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Our Purpose
​"We serve as a Lighthouse of God to guide people to salvation in Jesus Christ. Worship, love, encouragement, and biblical teaching are the foundation by which we prepare people to face the storms of life." - (Purpose Statement of the Enola First Church of God)
The Enola First Church of God is a purpose-driven church. Our purpose is based on the five specific purposes of the church given by Jesus Christ in The Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). These five purposes include Worship, Evangelism, Ministry, Fellowship and Discipleship. What benefit comes by striving to be a purpose-driven church? Take a look at the two figures below.

As you can see from these diagrams, a church without a purpose will always be going in numerous directions impacted by the world and outside influences. However, a church that is purpose-driven will be directed by its God-given purpose and will influence the world!
We are blessed to have five Ministry Teams actively working to fulfill our God-given purpose​

Worship - The Magnifiers Team​​​​​​
​Evangelism - The Lifesavers Team​
Ministry - The Lamplighters Team​
Fellowship - The Connectors Team​
Discipleship - The Navigators Team​

In addition to our Ministry Teams, we are blessed to have four Service Teams that handle other important matters in the life of the church.


Property Management - The Builders Team

Stewardship - The Stewards Team

Youth Ministry - The Youth Services Team
Technology - The Tech Team

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