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Are you struggling with grief, fear, anger, worry, a poor self-image, a lack of hope, resentment, a grudge, an addiction or various hurts?  If so, you may want to consider checking out the Christ-Centered Support Group that meets at ECOG on Monday evenings (unless otherwise stated - check the calendar for cancellations).  The group is not restricted to people from ECOG (or any other church).  A light supper is served at 6pm with the meeting beginning at 6:30pm.  The group is be led by Pastor Rodger and Cindy Scheuing of the Marysville Church of God.  Dave and Faith Duskey, members of ECOG's Lamplighters Team will serve as facilities hosts.  

The purpose of the group is to provide understanding, comfort, emotional and spiritual support to individuals who struggle with any hurt, habits or unresolved issues.  All of this takes place within a Christian atmosphere.  Group members support each other through Scripture and personal experience.  Group members are not expected to “fix one another.”  

Feel free to stop in at any group meeting or if you would like more information, see Dave or Faith Duskey.  You are also welcome to contact Pastor Rodger & Cindy Scheuing. 

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